Friday, April 3, 2009

Poop in the Pie (sandwhich, or whetever)

Every so often on Sunday someone relates a story about poop. Rarely is the animal that created the poop identified, although i have heard it was a bird once. Someone takes said poop, and mixes it into a food item. Sometimes a sandwich, and sometimes a pie. Generally, it is something with a crust or cover. This "poop" sandwich is then offered to a person, because it is a symbol of the filth that is in a rated R movie. Why would you not eat a sandwich with poop in it? Don't You realize that is the same as watching a rated R movie? No amount of goodness can make up for a little bit of filth.

This story and its application are ridiculous. One of the sillier stories I have heard, and there have been some silly ones.

I believe that we can watch movies and television for entertainment. It may seem a silly thing to say, and I am certain that most would agree with that, but have you thought that out? What is entertainment? It is difficult to watch a movie or television show today without some reference to sex. Does that make Movies and TV bad. NO! let me repeat, NO!!!! Being raised in Utah I have been around people who are afraid of sex for most of my life. This fear of sex leads to a lack of dialogue about sex which leads to unhappy and confused youngsters and adults. Whats more dangerous than teens who are experimenting sexually is parents who are afraid to discuss sex with their children. There are some who would like to argue against me, by saying exaggerating my opinion and saying that lewd discussions are all right at the dinner table, etc. Those people are misinformed, and are simply repeating what they have been brainwashed with. Your discussions can vary, but some basic points should be made.

1. Sex is natural
2. Sex is good
3. Pretty much everyone has sex (or wants to)

If you are a family that believes in waiting to have sex until after you are married then please make that known in a constructive, and safe way. I would hope that you still explain that if they do have sex against your wishes then protection is encouraged.

One thing that is mostly good, but contains sex and violence is an oft published book called the Bible. If the Bible were treated as a screenplay, it would contain some very graphic material. It can get very violent, sexual, and if you understand what you are reading profane. This doesn't mean that because the book contains some instances that some dimmer people would label as "poop", that it is not worth reading or studying. The Bible has directly influenced and shaped our culture since it was written, and that alone makes it worth study. Even if you do not believe that it literal, you still cannot ignore its effects.

What I recommend is that if a movie contains content might disturb you then don't go see it. If you are unsure what contain it contains, but believe you may want to see it then research it. That information is readily available. What I DO NOT recommend is that you let someone else, anyone else, arbitrarily make your decisions for you.
I know it is easier, but the easiest path is rarely the best.


  1. Keith, I think you should speak your mind more often in priesthood and sunday school. I would love to hear you argue with our teachers.
