Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The first post.

I have decided to begin displaying my musings for the world to see. It seems to be the thing to do. I have trouble keeping a journal, but believe daily writing is important. (Plus Chris thinks I should and that's good enough for me).

I attempted to choose a title that would best summarize what this blog is going to be. I chose Deliberations of an Opinionated Mind, because I am very opinionated, and these are my deliberations. That is all they are. These posts will be my musings, thoughts, and opinions. Opinions of an Opinionated mind seemed a little redundant. Plus, deliberations seems to convey better that these musings will be thought out instead of merely spouted out.

1 comment:

  1. What?? Thought out opinions?? I'm not sure about this... It seems a little unconventional. But I am glad to see you're putting your thoughts out there for the world to read. I get much enjoyment from them, and others should too. :)
