Friday, April 10, 2009

Oh well.

I tend to avoid Apple products.

I distantly remember being in grade school and working on an Apple II. That was my only experience with Apple computers for a long time. Later on, when I was old enough to by my own computer I gravitated naturally towards a PC. I like putting together my own computer. It saves a lot of money, and then in a year or so if one component is lagging behind, I like being able to rip it apart and replace it. With my current computer I have replaced RAM twice, the video card once, and will probably add a hard drive, and as much as I am upset about the 3ghz processing wall, its nice that my computer doesn't become obsolete after a day.

Apple is probably great for those who don't like ripping apart computers, and would pay extra for something that works well without having to be fixed.

Then they made the Ipod.

I had purchased an Mp3 player before they were very popular. To give an idea of the time period I was deciding between a Mp3 player and a Sony Minidisc player. My first Mp3 player had 512mg of memory. If i remember correctly that translated to about 20-30 songs. I thought it was awesome. I just popped my favorite songs on there, and I was good to go.

The other day I succumbed, and got my first Ipod. Eventually I believe that phones will have capacity to replace Mp3 players, and I was telling myself I was waiting for that. I also enjoy listening to a few podcasts, and never realized how easy it was to do on iTunes.

So now I have an Ipod. I would say that I was hip, but I think I'm about six years too late. I love the stupid thing. It works perfectly. Is ridiculously small and cool, and iTunes is really nice. Jerks.

So AGAIN I learn to not judge everything before you know what you are talking about. I was a hypocrite because I made a judgment on Ipods and iTunes before I actually used one. I thought I would hate iTunes because I hate Quicktime.

I still don't think I would ever buy an apple computer. I like customizing my PC too much. Besides, being a PC user I know that if Apple has a really great idea Microsoft will be copying it within a year or so, but I do love that little Ipod. (seriously the thing is almost too small.)


  1. Don't worry, I'm a bit late also. I got my ipod about in December. I have issues conforming.

  2. Why don't you build your own IPOD Keith? I know you could do it!
