Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthcare Reform and the Constitution

There has been quite a lot said about the issue. I am not going to try rehashing every single argument, but I do want to touch on one.

-It is unconstitutional for the Government to make us buy Health Insurance.

This is a pretty tired point, but I have heard it, or variations of it, a lot. The government does require us to pay for things from time to time. While we may not immediately appreciate it, I am certain we can get used to have water, roads, etc.

Taxes that we pay go towards police salaries. We can get the benefit of police even if we don't contribute whatsoever into the system. (This is incredibly socialist by the way.)

Taxes that a lot of people pay fund the public education system. If you own property in the United States and don't want to support a government run socialistic program (public education) then you are SoL.

We are required to purchase auto insurance. Some people might answer we aren't required to purchase insurance unless we drive. The same applies for health care, if you don't want to live then you don't have to pay it.

In reality people like to throw out "it's unconstitutional!" when they don't have anything better to say. We have a body of people who spend their whole lives studying and dealing with these issues(the Supreme Court), and even they all rarely agree on anything. So to think that we can peruse our founding document and make empirical judgments is more than a little conceited. It is plain ignorant. Which is the real problem anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are down right brilliant! Thank you for your common sense that many others obviously seem to lack. I've been waiting for a new post in quite some time! haha and you delivered a great one!
