Monday, October 26, 2009


Liberty is a fascinating concept to me. I appreciate the ability to think for myself and to make my own decisions, and I hope all other human beings enjoy the same liberties.

It's funny how we act about our freedom. How some people believe the government has no right to tell them how to spend their money, but has every right to dictate their other personal choices. Or how the opposite is also true. Government should keep out of my personal business, but take money from people who have more than me to make my life better.

When I see this type of behavior I think it is hypocritical. It reminds me of the parent who says, "I don't mind what my child does, as long I approve."

It is easy to complain about the freedoms we feel that are being taken from us, and to immediately turn around and deny someone else the ability to do something because we think it is "wrong".

I think we all believe that we should be free, but we are uncomfortable with anything that is "different" from the norms or ideals we were raised with. Some things are obviously wrong. Theft, murder, etc are wrong in and of themselves. They are fundamentally wrong because they impede someone else's ability to act freely. But if there is a doubt as to whether people should have certain ability to chose, should we not err on the side of Liberty? If we were contemplating a tax hike, should we not consider people more able to choose for themselves how to spend that money? If we don't agree with someone's behaviour, should we not err on the side of their freedom as well?

Is it really freedom, if we are only free to do anything someone else says is ok?

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