Friday, May 29, 2009

Rick Koerber responds to Indictment

"This indictment was not the most powerful work of the most intelligent people"
-Rick Koerber
While the fancy conference room may not have been the most appropriate place to explain to people that you didn't defraud them out of money, Rick Koerber's message was clear. He will be pleading "Not Guilty" to Federal charges.
Mr Koerber accused several Government officials of misconduct and "conducting a personal vendetta" against him. Mr Koerber appears to believe that government investigators need to have proof of malfeasance before conducting an investigation. Mr Koerber has recorded or is in the possesion of several recordings of officials stating to him or others that the government did not have proof of wrong doing, but didn't like what he was doing.
According to Mr Koerber Government officials communicated suspicion of a Pyramid/Ponzi schemes, before the indictment. This helped cause FranklinSquires collapse in addition to the melting real estate market.
He dismisses the media's obsession with Mark Shurtleff's supposed breakfast meeting stating, "Why a private citizen, asking to meet with an elected representative is ever, in any circumstance, innappropriate is a mystery to me."
Mr Koerber states he is ready to meet the accusations in court, and only time will tell how this will play out.


  1. Even quotes? You really are a reporter deep down. I hope you can sneak in the court and give us the info early then too!

  2. I think you've missed your calling, love.
